Noble Sour Bouvier Reserve 250 ml
82,00 €
Here are the taste notes: Colour: rich dark brown with a tinge of yellow ochre tending and delicate olive tones at the endge. Smell: raisins, vanilla, caramel, liquorice roasted aromas, some candied oranges and pineapple gingerbread, fruit bread and dark roasted coffee. Taste: A wonderful balance on the palate between the clear residual sugar and the fresh acidity. Gracefully soft in texture, in the finish you almost want to reach for the attribute and drink it, because it is wonderfully refreshing but at the same time forbidden, creamy ! A surprising alternative to the great southern wines such as P.X. sherry or the fantastic Muscat wines from Australia. A drinkable vinegar for eternity. ... Food reccomendatios: Pairs wonderful with many Christmas / Winter desserts, especially chocolate-nut-based. Also a fine pair with terrines and pies, spicy asian dishes or even sushi (e.g. Unagi eel!) or dishes with teriyaki sauce and fried tofu! Ripe red and blue culture cheeses will also find a new playmate with the Bouvier drinking vinegar! A special option in our house is the combination with homemade vanilla ice cream! Have fun and thank you very much Gerhard Retter, Fisherklause Lütjensee.
Ingredients: Sour wort from grapes