TSCHOPPERL WOSSA Raspberry 0,33 Liter
5,00 €
Our newest baby , literally "Water for Children", consists of homemade fruit vinegar and pure Viennese spring water.
In your nose the Tschopperl Wossa develope intense fruit flavors on the palate. The fruit is pleasant without being dominant. Therefore, it is also ideal as a soft menu accompanied for adults.
Erwin Gegenbauer has inspired to Tschopperl Wossa by his own childhood. "When I was a little child, we often went to eat with the family," the Viennese entrepreneur recalls. "My father got a beer, my mother a glass of wine, and for the little ones a Tschopperl Wossa, asked the waiter ever? 'That's stuck with me."
More ideas for his "Water for Children" pulled Gegenbauer from history. It was previously quite normal, diluted with water to drink wine produced in the autumn, which was fermented until next summer to vinegar." Among the Romans called this drink Posca" explained Gegenbauer. "And even in our region formerly drinking diluted vinegar was a very good and refreshing thirst quencher at work. "
Available is the Gegenbauer Tschopperl Wossa in 0.33 liter bottle for 3.50 euros in the G'schäftl at the brewery in Vienna tenth district and the Naschmarkt.