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Prima Spremitura Olive Oil 250 ml

Available from NOW "PRIMA SPREMITURA“ the first olive oil of the year

22,00 €

incl. VAT 10%


Pianella, Abruzzi, Italy

The olives of the variety "Dritta" are hand-picked at the precise moment of ripening for the milling in the traditional olives press.

It has a crude aspect, hypnotizing with its perfumes and on the palate; it is a high valued product for the gourmets in the whole world who are eager to taste the preview of the new production.

On one of his numerous expeditions Erwin Gegenbauer happend to find a small village named Pianella in the Abruzzi, between Pescara on the Adriatic coast and the Natiolal Parc of Majella. There he made the acquaintance of the Massimiliano d'Addario. The olive oil producer is dedicating all his passion and patience to the production of this extaordinary oil.

Erwin Gegenbauer was so impressed by the taste of this culinary treasure and of the producers obsession for quality that he decided to bring this sensational "green gold" to Vienna.

- Azienda Agricola Palusci Marina
- 200-300m
- Dritta
- october
- traditional