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Coffee Seasoning Oil, 250 ml

A novelty from our VIENNA OIL MILL.

20,00 €

incl. VAT 10%


In order to guarantee absolute freshness of the aroma, the coffee beans are roasted at our own coffee roasters and immediately processed together with the fresh sunflower seeds.

We have been roasting coffee now for several years and are constantly improving the quality of our roasting process. Regarding the production of the Coffee Seasoning Oil, we have the possiblity to freshly roast small quantities according to our needs.

Sunflowers are ground together with coffee. From that we produce the Seasoning Oil using a special cooled presssing method.

There is a big difference between direct oils, that we produce, and traditionally flavoured oils, in which case the flavours are added after the production of the oil. In the latter case it is often necessary to add artificial flavours in order to boost the taste, which are, in most cases, unfortunately chemical. Direct oils have authentic, distinctive tastes that could never be reached by applying traditional methods. In addition to that they are more long-lasting and heat resistent.

- for seafood and chicken and pork
- on seasoned cheese, e.g. Pecorino
- on deserts, like crème brulée or chocolate mousse
- for baking cakes
- drizzle onto boiled vegetables, like fennel, eggplant, etc…
- to refine fruit salads