James Balsamic Vinegar 250 ml
48,00 €
James Grieve apples are harvested at the peak of their ripeness on the Harmer Estate in Stripfing (ca. 25 km north-east of Vienna). They are then sorted out, carefully pressed and delivered to the Wiener Essig Brauerei.
After the juice is simmered at a considerable temperature for several days, the flavours and the fruit sugar become concentrated. The juice is then filled into barrels and brought to an alcoholic fermentation. When the desired alcohol level has been reached, we air the derived wine and inject it with pure cultured vinegar bacteria (= mother-of-vinegar). After the fermentation process, the young vinegar will mature in oak barrels. We leave the barrels to the weather, so that the vinegar can “work” with the seasons. During wintertime, a kind of hibernation takes place, and in summer, due to hot temperatures, liquid can evaporate through the wood’s pores, whereby the volume decreases from year to year, lasting at least five years in this case, and, in the end, condensing the product.
Unlike the classic Aceto Balsamico, this balsamic vinegar does not mature in different types of wood. We take the view, that one fruit or one wine, respectively, should mature in only one type of wood. Where different types of grapes are used for the Aceto Balsamico, different types of wood should likewise be applied. What is unique about JAMES GRIEVE is its fine acidity, “full-body”, and a high aroma content in the fruit. We call it “playful”.
As far as we know, producing a classic balsamic vinegar, from one type of apple, has not yet been attempted.
-1-2 tbsp. vinegar in 1/8 l tab water or mineral water, or a few drops mixed with sparkling wine. ² To marinate for several days raw fish, meat, fruits, vegetables ² To drizzle over blanched vegetables ² On blue cheese ² On pies and chocolate cakes ² Over cold, cooked, sliced beef with onions and oil ² Over carpaccio ² Over “Topfenpalatschinken” (pancakes filled with cream cheese) ² On ice cream ² On fresh apple or pineapple slices with course ground pepper, sea salt, and flavourful extra virgin olive oil ² To refine sauces, made form the crusty remainders of fried fish or meat: discard drippings; add wine and reduce; add the stock of your choice, boiling it down; mount with cold butter and season with vinegar.
5 % acetic acid